
Civil war combat history channel
Civil war combat history channel

Panic-stricken, police steadily pulled back until an armed man in uniform rushed out of the station, yelled “Shoot the bastards!” and dropped to one knee, then opened fire on the crowd. Later, a crowd waving Greek, Soviet, British, and American flags assembled outside a police station. The premier cowered in his bedroom until his armed guards drove the attackers back outside. A grenade exploded in the crowd as enraged demonstrators stormed the building. Police tried to block them, but their barricades collapsed as the demonstrators-many of them women-swarmed through the central square and converged on Premier George Papandreou’s apartment building. Shortly after sunrise, angry civilians marched toward the city center. Now, weak British forces and Greek police struggled to maintain order in a city rife with suffering and discontent. German forces had evacuated Athens just six weeks earlier. In Athens, Greece, the bloody events of Sunday, Deceminitiated a brutal civil war, worse than anything the continent would see for another half-century.

civil war combat history channel

As the battle lines converged on Berlin in the waning days of World War II, fighting and violence erupted at several points across liberated Europe.

Civil war combat history channel