Decoy Protagonist: You're playing the Book Simon throughout the game, except in the Good Ending.
And then Simon was hit by a car, taking out both of his legs, kick-starting his suicidal depression.
Dark and Troubled Past: Simon was always a depressed individual, as said in the prologue, possibly from a combination of bullying and lack of confidence with his crush Sophie.
Averted with Book Simon, who represents his pre-accident self and thus is cleanly-shaven.
Beard of Sorrow: Because of the mental trauma and worsened depression brought about by the incident, the real Simon now sports a full beard, indicating that he cared so little about himself that he couldn't be bothered with self-grooming.
Ate His Gun: This is how Simon offs himself in any of the bad endings, as well as in the closing cutscene of Suicide mode if the players failed to survive until the timer has fully ticked down.
He wakes up one night in a dark alley, and it all goes downhill from there for him. Voiced by: Styg "DragonNOR" SydtangenThe protagonist of Cry of Fear, he's a depressed teenager living in Sweden.